Thursday, January 5, 2012

Follow me Friday (#2)


This is a hop created and started by Alison Can Read and Parajunkee. For rules, to follow other bloggers, and just to have fun, go check them out and follow along!

Question of the Week: Go count the number of unread books sitting on your shelf. How many?

Answer of the week: About 50+ books.

I have a serious book buying addiction that is in dire need of getting looked at. Do they have book buying rehab? If anyone ever finds or hears of one let me know. I'll be first to sign up!

Book buying is my addiction. It makes me happy, excited, free-feeling, powerful, different, and most of all it is fun! Jeesh, I make it sound like some sort of drug. I guess, in retro respect, you can compare book buying to a drug. My point is, I have a lot of books and that has to do to how entertaining and pleasurable it is to buy them.

Who doesn't love buying books? It's so much fun and exciting. I love holding that book I've been longing to read. It gives me book pleasure. Mmmm....

How about you guys? Am I the only one about to admit my problem?

With Christmas and my Birthday just having past, I have SO many books I've received as gifts. I guess people really don't mind contributing to my addiction. Ah well, more books for me in the end.

So many books, so little time,



  1. I LOVE acquiring new books. It's a serious problem. Thanks for stopping by! My FF

  2. So, I have a problem...awwww who am I kidding? The only time its a problem is when anybody else finds out about my book habits. I've seen too many hanging jaws! :) New follower, check me out at:

  3. Anonymous5.1.12

    Thanks for following/visiting my blog! With that I followed you back.
    Grace@ Paging Through Life

  4. Same here! Buying books is an addiction, we should probably go get it listed as a disease.

    Jez's Bookcase

  5. Hopping through. Book buying isn't my addiction b/c I hate spending money. But book collecting via the library is an addiction. I can't resist the library.
    My Hop

  6. I completely share your addiction - but I don't want any treatment, at least not yet.

    Here's my Follow Friday

  7. I completely share your addition but not sure I need treatment just yet.
    Here's my Follow Friday

  8. Well, you can never have too many books, right?! ;D

    - New follower

  9. Anonymous6.1.12

    That's pretty good. If I could get books all the time from the store, I'd have billions! Thanks for following me, by the way! I'm following you back!

  10. Good morning - new follower (thanks for stopping by).

    I'm all for the long TBR list . . . gives us something to do if we win the lottery, or if civilization breaks down into some post-apocalyptic dystopia. :)

  11. I didn't have time to count, but I probably have about 50 books TBR, too! There are just so many I want to read (and then a bunch I have to read!)

    New follower


  12. Anonymous6.1.12

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! That's a good number! I also agree, I need to go to a book buying rehab too! It's my addiction as well! Have a great weekend!

  13. Nope, sorry! I don't have that problem in the physical sense, but virtural bookshelf is another issue. #Now Following

    Here's my #FF post

    Katrina @ Kindred Dreamheart

  14. Thanks for becoming a follower of my site, I'm now following you back. And good luck working through your book pile.

    The Scarf Princess

  15. I would say I have a book buying addiction too. But I don't think I would ever want to get it fixed. =] New Follower. =]
    Here is My FF

  16. I think we all have a problem :)

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Kate @ Epic (Chocolate) Fantasy

  17. hi!! new follower from follow friday. I agree with everything (: I have a buying addiction too.

    my blog is:

    ♥ Book nerds are pretty too

  18. Oh! I love buying books too! I also love walking out of the library with a huge stack of books...for free! I don't even get to half of them, but it gives me that 'book buying high' anyway :-)

    Thanks for following my blog! Following you back!

  19. Yeah that is quite a bit but you're right it's an addiction! It's so hard to stop buying books especially with all the new amazing ones coming out every week!!

    Great post, new follower:D


  20. Thanks for hopping by! Following back now and I am so jealous of your bookshelf! I should be so lucky to have 50 unread books within fingers grasp! Happy reading!

  21. Great post!!

    Happy reading and thanks for stopping by my blog..I am following you back!!

  22. I have that same addiction. :) There are definitely worse addictions to be had!

  23. 50 is a great amount of books! Thanks for stopping by for FF! I'm following you in return!

  24. I'll admit it...I have a book buying addiction! lol Which is why my 'unread' pile is much larger than my 'read' pile! But hey, at least I have plenty of options on what to read next!

    Happy Blog Hop and thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Lisa @ Once Upon A Chapter


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