Title: Shades of Earth
Author: Beth Revis
Publisher: Razorbill
Publication Date: January 15th 2013
Pages: 369
Format: Print/Hardback
Frex, that was amazing!
Across the Universe had me from the very beginning, turning page by page until the mystery was solved. A Million Suns had me wanting more by its end. Shades of Earth had my heart racing until the end, gosh, that end, had me so complete I couldn't help but think of Elder and Amy well after closing the book.
Have you ever read a book series that was truly incredible, but when you got to the end, the last book was such a disappointment you didn't feel complete? Like there should have been more answers? No? Then how about a stand alone book? Yes? Same! Shades of Earth was not one of them, rest assured.
To be honest, I was a little eerie at first picking this one up. Truthfully I didn't want to a) feel disappointed b) miss the characters I've grown to love and c) get off Godspeed. A Million Suns is the type of series that really had me picturing myself on the ship, seeing everything happen first hand, thanks to Beth's awesome writing skills. That said, like many of Godspeeds inhabitants, I too did not want to leave Godspeed. Seriously, I wanted everyone to stay on the ship. Hahaha, silly, I know. But what goes up must come down, right?
I am SO glad I took that leap of faith and decided to leave Godspeed (so to speak).
Just like the first two books in the series, Shades of Earth was fast paced, but also had A LOT more action. So much was going on my eyes started to heart from the continuous back and fourth movement that usually entails when you're reading full out action-awesomeness. Gosh, this book, I can't even. Just amazing, truly amazing.
Okay, so the book was action-packed and fast paced, the characters were even better.The love between Amy and Elder is tested when both have to make big decisions that could mean life, death, or the cost of one's family. I couldn't believe how mature they've grown to become. First Elder was making life threatening decisions just because Amy was beautiful, to risking his own life trying to save those left behind on Godspeed. A true leader thinks of his people as a whole, and not just himself. This made me love Elder even more! And Amy, such courage to go against her family as well as standing up for Elder's people when her people are being jerks. The characters are so much more lovable in this book, so expect that :)
If you haven't picked Shades of Earth up yet, what are you waiting for? You will NOT be disappointed!
Word to Beth: Rewriting the draft for Shades of Earth, what was it? Three times? Truly paid off! Seriously!
all the way to the stars and back.
I liked the book, but the ending made me mad, and it was really sad at times. Made me cry!